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University work

Some of the work I have undertaken for my university course, which I would imagine is a surprise considering the title.

Fourth Year

Making Music

Honours Project

My Honours project uses Markov chains to generate music and uses music theory to fit it into a game scenario so that the music can change with how the game is being played.

Tight Shot

AR Pool

An small AR pool game for the PS Vita I made for a uni module. It uses the AR cards as corners of a pool table, allowing custom shapes. 

University Work

This is some of the work I have completed during my time at University, which I would imagine is a surprise considering the title. 

Third Year

Only Shadows

Only Shadows is a First-Person surrealist exhibition of the post-traumatic psyche  begotten of the barbarism of conflict. It was originally created for my 3rd year group project, but since taking it to Dare Academy it has become much more.


Super Markov Brothers

This project looked into using Markov chains to generate 2D tile based maps, such as those used in Super Mario Brothers. The application reads in an image, e.g. an actual level from Super Mario Brothers, and then uses this to create new levels with a similar composition.

Procedural Terrains

The other half of that course work. This generates a height map using Perlin Noise, uses this to generate a terrain, colours it appropriately, and generates some semi-realistic rivers.

Fuzzy Logic Race Car

This application uses fuzzy logic to control the steering of a car. It takes the distance from the racing line and the car's sideways velocity as inputs, and then calculates the acceleration required to move the car back to said racing line.

Graphics Programming

This application shows a variety of graphics programming techniques, such as real-time shadows (kind of), distance based mesh tessellation, normal based texture blending, and various blur effects.

Third Year

Second Year

Pathfinding Algorithms

This started as two different  applications, the first one being a comparison between the pathfinding algorithms A* and Djikstra's. The second was a procedural maze generator which was optimized using threading. They were then combined because why not.

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